Derfor Skal Du Vælge Shirley Parsons Til Rekruttering

Vores unikke kombination af brancheviden inden for HSEQ, ESG og bæredygtighed samt vores fremragende service betyder, at vores kunder er sikre på at få de bedste og dygtigste medarbejdere til deres organisationer, samtidig med at vi også leverer værdifuld feedback om, hvordan markedet opfatter dem som potentielle medarbejdere.

​MAPP has improved the self-awareness of everyone in the team and has helped us to appreciate how to work with each other more effectively. We’ll be using it in the future to help to understand and improve engagement and motivations throughout the team. I think it's a great tool and one that every manager needs to make use of.

Edward Godsiffe, Head of Sustainability

​I’d like to thank Shirley Parsons and the Talent Consultancy team for the time and effort they put into the whole process. MAPP was a great fit for TMD and has enabled us to open doors and have those conversations with our team which we wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise.

Lynn Edwards, Vice President HSE

Her fik vi en række gode kandidater som alle passede ind og var egnede ift. vore behov. Tillige så var det værktøj og grundlag fra Shirley Parsons Denmark både dybdegående og let at gå til, hvilket gjorde vores forberedelse til kandidatsamtaler lettere og hurtigere.

Vi har sjældent oplevet en mere behagelig og kompetent samarbejdspartner på dette område.

Niki Christensen, Interim MD at Otis Elevator Co. (Denmark)

​It was a really useful activity (MAPP) to do as a team. Everyone appreciated the feedback they received and gave me a better understanding of learning styles, career goals, and how people operate and communicate. It’s also important that they (Shirley Parsons) are actively trying to do things that can help the profession and add real value. We need more people entering the health, safety, and environmental industry and by working together we can create these opportunities.

Adam Clarke, Managing Director Consultancy

​"​​​“Shirley Parsons provided outstanding support during two recent searches, both of which resulted in hiring new top-talent safety employees."

"The candidates presented by the Shirley Parsons team had the depth of experience, leadership, and technical skills that we were looking for, and Shirley Parsons guided us through the process in a professional manner. We appreciated the partnership with Shirley Parsons in filling these two critical roles.”

Mike Formaini, VP of HSE & Quality

​​“As a global company, part of our challenge was to find someone with the right blend of leadership capability, technical EHS knowledge and proven ability to operate in different countries and cultures."

​“One of the biggest challenges was achieving this within a very tight timeline. ​The team were able to accommodate this; providing us with a credible shortlist, setting up telephone interviews and getting the final candidates to interview within one very busy week. The result was that engagement to start date was achieved within 8.5 weeks. Throughout the whole process the team kept me updated with their progress and delivered what they promised. I would have no hesitation in using Shirley Parsons’s services for HSEQ positions in the future.”

Elaine Bagley, HR Director

​"​“We were looking for a specialist firm to execute a confidential search for a Director of Quality, Health & Safety, Environment to lead a transformation of our current safety culture from reactive to proactive."

​“Shirley Parsons was supportive in executing this search in an efficient manner and responded very well to our needs. Shirley Parsons were also able to help us refine the requirements to ensure we target the right candidate.”

Luzius Wirth, CEO of Swissport UK&I

​​I would not hesitate in recommending Shirley Parsons for anyone looking for a senior HSE professional.

Shirley Parsons reacted quickly to the change in our circumstances and delivered an excellent interim solution. ​Our quick timelines were met well, and customer service was great throughout the assignment. ​I would not hesitate in recommending Shirley Parsons for anyone looking for an HSE professional. They know their market very well and provide a friendly and professional service.

John Lambert, Group Human Resources Director at Interserve Group Limited

My experience of using Shirley Parsons Executive Search has been extremely positive, with commercially astute and technically competent professionals being sourced for high-profile roles.

​I have appointed Shirley Parsons and her team to deliver a number of critical executive search assignments and have no hesitation in recommending these specialist careers consultants. Deep expertise in the field of health and safety, quality and sustainability mean that the team has trusted long-term relationships with the very best talent in this sector. It is often tricky to find specialists who are also business leaders.

Lynne Graham, People Director at Thames Water

​Shirley Parsons worked hard throughout the search to ensure a right match for both candidate and the hiring organization.

​​I’ve worked with Shirley Parsons for over 20 years in various roles. When I recently needed to appoint a senior HSES manager with influence and gravitas, I knew where to turn. They understood the brief and conducted a thorough candidate search. I particularly value their focus on communication and engagement. They worked hard throughout the search to ensure a right match for both candidate and the hiring organization. We were pleased with the outcome and would use Shirley Parsons again.

James Pomeroy, Group HSES Director, Lloyd's Register

Globalt Førende Inden For HSEQ


Af vores kunder er fuldt tilfredse


Organisationer har fået assistance


Projekter er gennemført


Globale HSEQ-specialister

Sådan Udfører Vi Din Rekruttering

Shirley Parsons benytter en gennemarbejdet tilgang til rekrutteringsprojekterne, der har fokus på kunden og er objektive, grundige og naturligvis fortrolige.

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Det første skridt i vores proces er at forstå og definere dine behov og dine ønsker. Vi mødes med minimum to primære interessenter for at drøfte opgaven i detaljer, så vi har et klart billede af kulturen i virksomheden, specifikationerne for stillingen samt kravene til den perfekte kandidat.

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Med støtte fra vores professionelle researchmedarbejdere og ved hjælp af vores vidensnetværk benytter vi både primære og sekundære kilder til at kortlægge kandidatpuljen; både dem, vi og du allerede kender, og dem uden for vores kombinerede netværk.

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Vi gør brug af en omfattende proces med flere trin for at udarbejde vores liste over udvalgte kandidater. Processen omfatter:

Sonderende telefoninterviews med 40-70 kandidater.

Intern gennemgang, hvor vi i samarbejde evaluerer hver enkelt kandidat og udvælger 10 til nærmere samtale.

Endnu en samtale med fokus på kandidaternes tekniske kompetencer, lederevner, ledelsesstil, værdier og motivationsfaktorer, samt i hvor høj grad kandidaten passer ind i din virksomheds organisationskultur.

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Vi håndterer vurderingen af hver enkelt af de udvalgte kandidater på listen. Vurderingen foretages med vores unikke ROTI-personligheds- og ambitionsværktøj og/eller yderligere test- og evalueringsværktøjer, som du måtte ønske anvendt. Resultaterne danner grundlag for beslutningstagningsprocessen.

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Sidste trin i vores rekrutteringsproces er håndteringen af tilbuds- og onboardingprocessen. Vi rådgiver dig om de faktorer, der motiverer den kandidat, du har valgt, så du ved, hvad du skal have med i dit tilbud om ansættelse. Det betyder, at når du har sendt tilbuddet, er der en meget høj sandsynlighed for, at kandidaten accepterer tilbuddet.

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Nyeste ledige lederstillinger

Mød Teamet

  • Liam Tiddy

    Liam Tiddy

    Head of Search

Shirley Parsons har udviklet et tilbud om rekruttering af ledere, der kan tilpasses vores kunders behov og ønsker. Det er en proces, der har leveret fremragende resultater i både multinationale organisationer og i små og mellemstore virksomheder. Fordi vi har specialiseret os, finder vores kunder bedre kandidater på den halve tid , sammenlignet med andre virksomheder. Vi er eksperter i rekruttering. Vi interagerer dagligt med topledere inden for arbejdsmiljø, sikkerhed, miljø og kvalitet, og vi forstår, hvad det kræver at udfylde lederfunktioner inden for det felt.